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Sharing results? That's just act one.

Turning insights into action is the real game-changer.  


Are you ready to trade dusty reports for modern, snackable content that will make you go viral at your company?  ðŸ‘€

Maybe not quite viral, but guaranteed to get you a seat in strategic conversations and influence the business. 

Stakeholder engagement starts here with our 5 core content creation principles. 

1. Research “assets” is how we describe “deliverables”. It’s not just a word, it’s a mindset.

2. Research assets should be focused on stakeholders’ needs and desired outcomes. 

3. To enhance their stickiness, research assets should strive to integrate as many of these principles as possible.

4. No piece of content should take more than 10 minutes to consume.

5. A variety of content 'chunks'—visual, written, audio, and interactive—will help reinforce your message.

“If you treat content as an asset, people in your organization will stop treating content as that ‘soft fluffy thing’ that they can take or leave. In every meeting or conversation you have, use the word ‘asset’.”(Epic Marketing Content, Pulizzi & Piper)

“Content design is a way of thinking. It’s about using data and evidence to give the audience what they need, at the time they need it and in a way they expect.” (Content Design, Sarah Winters)

“Six Principles of Sticky Ideas: Simplicity, Unexpectedness, Concreteness, Credibility, Emotions, Stories” (Made to Stick, Heath & Heath) 

“We don’t pay attention to boring things” (Brain Rules, John Medina)

"Human short-term memory is limited, so if you want your users to retain more, pack information into meaningful chunks" (Kate Moran, Nielsen Norman Group)

Realize the full potential of your insights by repurposing core research into bite sized formats for specific audiences. 


Story-driven reports

Series of mini-infographics or one-pagers 

Series of blog posts

Newsletters / Email blasts  

Checklists / How-tos 

Case studies 


Before/Afters or Comparisons 

Cheat sheets 



(long-form and clips)



Video debrief  

Insights documentaries

Sizzle reels


(long-form and clips)



Meet the participants for a Q&A panel discussion
Activation workshops

Chat with your insights via chatbot  (coming soon!!)

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